20 March 2025
Yesterday, before falling asleep, I sent by ACCIDENT some invitations to my only me private ds sv... wantedtokmsinthatmomenttbh, but it doesn't really matter now, just some embarrassment.
Nothing that a block can't solve 🤓
I also did something to don't forget my ideas! I drew them on paper and taped them to the wall heh
10 March 2025
I'm happy to have some time to update this site, and more that I received the pretty banner at the top ♥
A few days ago someone followed me back and omg I just felt so happy lol. I always feel excited when talented people follow me back~
I need to write down my ideas so I don't forget, it always happens to me when I feel down.
02 March 2025
Yesterday I went to my brother's apt for my another brother's bday :P we ate a really good pizza my mom did.
I want to have all of my socials looking pretty, but everything seems to be too much work :( and I have commissions to do... I dunno what to do.
19 February 2025
I've been exploring some other websites a little and I got motivated to keep coding ^v^ Hope to work on the site tomorrow, I also need to prepare White's Day themed commissions! I already have an idea in mind...
Talking about commissions, usually I don't commission (usually almost never, only four times I think) but two days ago I saw a cute and cheap YCH and I had to do it... I commissioned him- he has a really cute artstyle, like some tasty just baked cookies~
Also, hello? SIX followers??? I'm so famous already omg ♥
15 February 2025
Yesterday I realized that I always try to make it all perfect at the first try, and obviously it won't happen because I'm not an expert, an even if I were one, there may be mistakes.
I must accept that this is part of the process to improve my skills ^_^
Leaving that behind, it rained a little today, I hope the summer ends soon, I want lower temperatures to drink some latte and eat warm bread ( ̄▽ ̄ tasty, tasty, so tasty